Opening Day 2025

A big thankyou to all the people involved in making this day a success!

To Pippa Palmer for doing the table flowers - they looked amazing and were still brightening up the club on Saturday!

The tables looked lovely with the beautiful flowers by Pippa

To Chris Levy for all her work arranging the many small details that ensured everything ran smoothly.

To Ellen Neale and Sharon Rowe for looking after the money side of the day. To Marg Horwitz and Pippa Palmer for finalising the Team scores for the day.

Marg Horwitz won a Mulligans draw.

To Meeghan Bourne for her fabulous photography!

Naturally we are as always very grateful to Jody and her team, Sally and Natasha for their support on the day.

Although the weather for golf was less not quite what we had ordered we still had 48 starters. Thank you to everyone who joined us out on the course.

Umbrellas up!

The Presidents Team took home the Trophy once again this year. This was a very close game with the Captain’s Team scoring 333 and the President’s Team 335!

President’s Team wins the Trophy again in 2025.

The winning Team was Chris Levy and Meeghan Bourne on a count back from Virginia Wozniak and Anna Cochrane both teams scoring 43 points.

Chris Levy and Meeghan Bourne winning Team

Straightest Drive on the 1st was won by Di Bradhurst and Jan Ferguson.

Jan and Di Bradhurst won the Straightest Drive.

Drive and pitch on the 4th was won by Barb Clayton and Virginia Wozniak.

Barb Clayton and Virginia Wozniak winners of the Drive and Pitch.

Mulligans draw was won by Rhonda Twomey, and Marg Horwitz, Anna Cochrane and Sue Olson.


I hope everyone enjoyed the day!

A quick recap on a few of the points raised and discussed at the lunch.

The Committee and Match Committee are interested in hearing your feedback and any suggestions you might have to improve the way we are doing things. If you have any concerns please speak to one of us or send an email. We do ask that you remember we are all volunteers and we are doing the best we can to make golf days enjoyable for you.

Presentations will be held monthly on the Thursday we play our Medal rounds. Please stay back after the game to congratulate the winners.

The Match Committee is working very hard to finalise our 2025 calendar of events. Although we no longer print fixture books the online system is very easy to use and you can change the view of the booking sheet to show the calendar month and print that off if you want. If you don’t know how to do this please ask one of the Committee or Match Committee members to help you.

We will need to go back to the original Women’s T Box on the 14th Hole. Kon has spoken to Matt Morris and he is reshaping the fairway in an attempt to give us a bit of a landing pad that isn’t in the rough.

The 9-hole comp is very popular and due to the increase in numbers we can experience a bottleneck at the 12th Hole. There isn’t an easy fix for this so I ask that everyone be considerate of each other and play alternate 9 -hole and 18-hole teams off the 12th.

I will be posting a Monthly blog - this will be done after the Medal Rounds each month. I will also continue to send emails on occasions to remind people of upcoming events or other points of interest.

Other News!

This year we did not Present the winners of the Jean Derrin and the Saturday Ladies Trophies on Opening Day as neither of the winners were able to attend on the day.

We did however present Sophie Rankine with the Jean Derrin Trophy for the most improved golfer in 2024 at the Friday night members drinks (31st January). This is the 2nd year that Sophie has won this Trophy. Sophie dropped her handicap from 16 to 8! Congratulations that is a great achievement.

Congratulations to Sophie.

Noela McMurray came to the club on Saturday to present Michelle Alcock with the Saturday Ladies Trophy. This is the third year Michelle has won this Trophy! Well done Michelle!

It was lovely that Noela could award the Trophy to Michelle.

Today (3rd February) Virginia Wozniak represented Bowral at Manly playing in the Golf NSW Champion of Champions event. Although Virginia did not win the day she had a good time and enjoyed the challenges of the Manly course.

Congratulations to Virginia on being our Club Champion for 2024.

Virginia @ Manly with her friend Denise who was caddying for her.

I wish you all Good Golfing. See you out on the course.

Jan Tuite
